Literatur-DB: Natural killer cells in hepatitis C virus infection: from innate immunity to adaptive immunity.
Titel:      Natural killer cells in hepatitis C virus infection: from innate immunity to adaptive immunity.
Kategorien:      Chronische Virushepatitis
BuchID:      137
Autor:      Hayashi, N , Takehara, T
ISBN-10(13):      KA
Publikationsdatum:      2005 10
Number of pages:      0
Sprache:      Nicht spezifiziert
Preis:      0.00
Bewertung:      0 
Bild:      no-img_eng.png           Button Buy now zum Original


Natural killer (NK) cells are specialized lymphocytes that provide a first line of defense through their ability to kill pathogen-infected cells and transformed cells. The function of NK cells is regulated by a fine balance of inhibitory and activating signals, which are mediated by a diverse array of cell-surface receptors.

Artikel-Nr.: 3(10 Suppl 2):S78-81 | PubMed-ID: 16234066 | DOI: | ISBN:


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