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Cover Titel Autor Bewertung Hits Kategorie
no-img_eng.png Titel: A feasibility study in oesophageal carcinoma using deep loco-regional hyperthermia combined with concurrent chemotherapy followed by surgery. Autor:
Bewertung: 5 Hits: 1779 Kategorie: Ösophaguskarzinom
no-img_eng.png Titel: A phase I/II study of a MUC1 peptide pulsed autologous dendritic cell vaccine as adjuvant therapy in patients with resected pancreatic and biliary tumors. Autor:
Bewertung: 0 Hits: 1743 Kategorie: Gallengangskarzinom
no-img_eng.png Titel: A phase II study of adoptive immunotherapy using dendritic cells pulsed with tumor lysate in patients with hepatocellular carcinoma. Autor:
Bewertung: 0 Hits: 1730 Kategorie: Hepatozelluläres Karzinom
no-img_eng.png Titel: Active specific immunotherapy and cell-transfer therapy for the treatment of non-small cell lung cancer. Autor:
Bewertung: 0 Hits: 1777 Kategorie: Bronchialkarzinom
no-img_eng.png Titel: Advances in cellular therapy for the treatment of thyroid cancer. Autor:
Bewertung: 0 Hits: 2001 Kategorie: Schilddrüsenkarzinom
no-img_eng.png Titel: Allogeneic partially HLA-matched dendritic cells pulsed with autologous tumor cell lysate as a vaccine in metastatic renal cell cancer: a clinical phase I/II study. Autor:
Bewertung: 0 Hits: 1801 Kategorie: Hypernephrom
no-img_eng.png Titel: Anti-leukemic activity of Newcastle disease virus strains AF2240 and V4-UPM in murine myelomonocytic leukemia in vivo. Autor:
Bewertung: 0 Hits: 1709 Kategorie: Akute Leukämie
no-img_eng.png Titel: Antitumor activity of a fusion of esophageal carcinoma cells with dendritic cells derived from cord blood. Autor:
Bewertung: 0 Hits: 1798 Kategorie: Ösophaguskarzinom
no-img_eng.png Titel: Autologous Dendritic Cell Based Adoptive Immunotherapy of Patients with Colorectal Cancer-A Phase I-II Study. Autor:
Bewertung: 0 Hits: 1732 Kategorie: Dendritische Zellen
no-img_eng.png Titel: Autologous Dendritic Cell Based Adoptive Immunotherapy of Patients with Colorectal Cancer-A Phase I-II Study. Autor:
Bewertung: 0 Hits: 3374 Kategorie: Kolorektales Karzinom

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