Literatur-DB: Monocyte-derived dendritic cells from chronic HCV patients are not infected but show an immature phenotype and aberrant cytokine profile.
Titel:      Monocyte-derived dendritic cells from chronic HCV patients are not infected but show an immature phenotype and aberrant cytokine profile.
Kategorien:      Chronische Virushepatitis
BuchID:      117
Autor:      Verschiedene
ISBN-10(13):      KA
Publikationsdatum:      2007 09
Number of pages:      0
Sprache:      Nicht spezifiziert
Preis:      0.00
Bewertung:      0 
Bild:      no-img_eng.png           Button Buy now zum Original



Chronic hepatitis C virus (HCV) infection is characterized by an insufficient immune response, possibly owing to impaired function of antigen-presenting cells such as myeloid dendritic cells (DCs). Therapeutic vaccination with in vitro generated DCs may enhance the immune response. Subsets of DCs can originate from monocytes, but the presence of HCV in monocytes that develop into DCs in vitro may impair DC function. Therefore, we studied the presence of HCV RNA in monocytes and monocyte-derived DCs from chronic HCV patients.

Artikel-Nr.: 27(7):944-53 | PubMed-ID: 17696933 | DOI: | ISBN:


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