Literatur-DB: Antitumor activity of a fusion of esophageal carcinoma cells with dendritic cells derived from cord blood.
Titel:      Antitumor activity of a fusion of esophageal carcinoma cells with dendritic cells derived from cord blood.
Kategorien:      Ösophaguskarzinom
BuchID:      136
Autor:      Verschiedene
ISBN-10(13):      KA
Publikationsdatum:      2005 11
Number of pages:      0
Sprache:      Nicht spezifiziert
Preis:      0.00
Bewertung:      0 
Bild:      no-img_eng.png           Button Buy now zum Original


The aim of this experiment was to develop a cytotoxic cancer vaccine (EC109-DC) prepared by fusions of esophageal carcinoma cells with dendritic cells derived from cord blood and to study the biological characteristics and resultant induction of antitumor immunity.

Artikel-Nr.: 23(45):5225-30 | PubMed-ID: 16171908 | DOI: | ISBN:


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